Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Making of a new brochure for the Davidson Housing Coalition

When we were told to make a new brochure I immediately thought of what a fun challenge it would be. First we were given the multiple brochures the Coalition was already using. Using guidelines of what information we were to use we marked up the previous brochures with highlighter. It was a slow start but within 2 weeks worth of Fridays we were able to make word documents to each side of this new brochure. Our community helper Emily came in and approved our ideas even offering to lend us pictures to use. With the help of Taylor, Gabrielle, Kyle, and George we will be able to finish a new, simple brochure by the end of practicum

Monday, March 14, 2011

Donut Fundraiser and Building Work

Hello. Last week we had our doughnut sale which was a big success. We raised a lot of money to help us with our fund, we also made a lot of progress with the construction of the booth as well. We have built 2 skeletons of the three walls and have laid out the third wall we will continue construction on the 18th and hope to get a lot more accomplished within our time period
-George Hargett

This is Gabrielle, George, and Taylor working our donut stand, in order to raise money to pay for our supplies.


This is a few of our supplies including; a drill, tape measure, plans and a book that we use to help us with the studding and the windows. The book has really helped us see and get directions of what we are currently making.

This is a picture of Tristin and Michael's finished product of the right side of the booth that we are creating. The wall is studded 24" on center with no windows. The cross plate is to hold all of it from moving from side to side.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Visit to Hoke Lumber


Last week we visited Hoke lumber to propose the Town Day booth that we are making for the Davidson housing coalition. Hoke lumber was unfortunately not able to sponsor our project, we had to do the unfortunate task of buying it at cost. We bought 31 2x4x8's and 6 2x6x8's, and got started on marking the base plates for cuts, and studs.